Saturday, February 13, 2010

Healthy Mixed Berries and Yoghurt Muffins

Shteppi shared that she was making these muffins. I recalled that I have some near-expiring greek yoghurt in the fridge. Hence I asked Shteppi for this recipe to use up my greek yoghurt in my fridge.

Greek yoghurt tends to be a little more sour so I compensated it by adding a tad more sugar. Anyway if the end result is not sweet enough (like Shteppi said of hers because she usually tend to put in lesser amount of sugar than require), you may have the muffins with your favourite jam.

I have all of these ready in my pantry/freezer already:

1.5 cups self raising flour (I used wholemeal ones for a healthier version)
3/4 firmly packed or 1 cup loosely packed brown sugar (I reckon 3/4 cup white sugar can be used instead)
1/3 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup plain yoghurt
1/3 cup vegetable oil (I used extra virgin olive oil)
100g frozen mixed berries (I used frozen blueberries which I bought when they were on sale)
3 eggs

In a mixing bowl, mix well flour, sugar, rolled oats and hazelnut. Then add eggs, oil and yoghurt and whisk them in. Lastly fold in the berries. Place them into prepared muffin trays and bake 180C for 15 minutes or until cooked through.

I haven't tried if mine were sweet enough or tasty but they looked really good. The portions above yields 12 standard muffins. I froze them in 3 packets of 4 for Quop and my breakfasts. This is an easy and really healthy option for a quick snack or brekky!


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